‘Aim High’

Dormouse class week beginning 14th October

Date: 11th Oct 2024 @ 5:20pm


We have had another great week and are preparing for next week.

We will be continuing our studies about homes and families and will begin to talk about where we live and think about the surrounding area. Weather permitting, we will be taking a walk around the village to look at buildings and will use Google earth to look at maps of the area. We will also be learning about the seasons and making observations about the changes happening with trees around school. 

In Maths, both Nursery and Reception are comparing amounts and Reception are focusing on counting one to one. In phonics, Nursery our rhyme is 5 currant buns. We will be making our own buns and will be learning about rhyme and rhythm as we say our nursery rhymes.

Next week, Reception will begin to learn our new sounds, beginning with s a t p. The following week we will send home our first book with words. We are all very excited to be learning our first sounds. 


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Watts

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