Hedgehog Class 2024 - 2025
Miss Cordey
Mrs Broadhurst
Teaching Assistant
Miss Butler
Welcome to Hedgehog Class the home of years three and four- Lower Key Stage Two.
Here we will see important milestones as children start or continue their journey in Lower Key Stage Two. We encourage a greater ownership of pupils for their own learning and strive for pupils to gain independence which will serve them well as they move up the school.
The partnership between home and school becomes ever more central and crucial. It is a relationship which will make a significant difference to academic progress. As such we urge you to work with your child as the demands of work increase and get in touch with school if you are having problems or difficulties in your support.
P.E will be on a Tuesday and Thursday and children can continue to come into school in their P.E kits. However, P.E in the Spring Term will be just on Tuesday afternoons as we are swimming. Woodland School is on a Friday afternoon. Please ensure that your child comes to school with wellies and waterproofs, particularly as the weather begins to turn!
Reading is very important in our class and children will be encouraged to regularly change their book and this will be evidenced in their reading records. As well as this, we do daily guided reading sessions to build on children's comprehension skills. Please continue to read with your child at home when possible and write in their reading records so that we can celebrate this!
Spellings will be given out every Monday and these are written by the children in their reading records. These will then be taken home daily, so please find time to practice these. Spelling tests are every Monday morning.
Show and tell is on a Wednesday Afternoon. If you would like to show us something but cannot bring it in to school then you can use the website to upload a photo or contact via the admin email.
Most importantly, we want your children to feel comfortable and happy in Hedgehog Class and be provided with many positive learning experiences! We want all children to enjoy their learning and thus achievement levels can rise! If you ever have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to come and chat.
Miss Cordey, Mrs Broadhurst & Miss Butler
Files to Download
Hedgehog Class: Blog items
Hedgehog Blog Week Beginning 3.2.25, by Miss Cordey
Helen Peters - An Author Visit., by Miss Cordey
Telford Gurdwara, by Miss Cordey