Wrap Around Care
We are really pleased to be able to offer a Breakfast Club and and After School Club.
Breakfast Club:
7:45 - 8:50am
Breakfast Club MUST be booked in advance: BOOK HERE. Please let the school office know if you need to change your choices.
£4 first child, £3 second and £2 further siblings
Cereal, toast (spread & jam), juice and a drink. Quiet activities and a time to chat.
After School Club
3:15 - 6pm
After School Club MUST be booked in advance: BOOK HERE. Please let the school office know if you need to change your choices.
£4 per hour, £12 for whole session (including snack)
A range of different art, craft, cooking, physical and quiet activities. ASC takes place in school. Those children staying after 5pm may, if parents wish, have a light tea. This will attract an additional charge of £1 per child.
Take a look at the photographs below of some of the activities that After School Club have been involved in.