About Us
Our Aims
We are positive about the advantages of being a small school and seek to build on these. Particularly significant for us is the idea of a family, with older members supporting and caring for younger members.
The following aims, though not intended to represent an order of priority, indicate the general philosophy of our school.
- To create a happy, calm, secure and stimulating environment within which pupils are encouraged to develop and attain their full potential.
- To provide an enriching, balanced curriculum which offers children enlivening learning experiences both in and out of school.
- To foster the development of responsible, well balanced and tolerant individuals.
- To equip pupils for their roles in a rapidly developing world - encouraging creativity, independence and self discipline.
- To strive for high standards in all aspects of school and personal life.
- To develop the whole child by providing education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice.
- To develop a positive and close relationship between home and school, through involving parents in their children's school life in a range of ways.
- To make the school an important part of community life and the community an important part of the life of the school.
The teaching staff are always available to see parents before or at the end of the school day. If you have a particular problem or query, then please do not hesitate to contact the school.
Parents are welcome to visit the school at any time. If you are moving into the area a visit can be arranged by telephoning the school on 01939 220385.