‘Aim High’

Dormouse Class 2023 - 2024

Mrs Watts

Assistant Headteacher

Ms Parry

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Billington


Welcome to Foundation Stage. We are Nursery and Reception aged children. We offer morning or afternoon sessions for Nursery or both and full time school places for Reception. We have a self contained room with our own toilet area and access to our outside area. We pride ourselves on being the foundation stage for learning in school. We all join school for daily worship and we enjoy sitting with our Year 6 buddies for lunchtime and playtime. We have weekly time in the Woodland area and regularly learn in the outside environment of the hill. Children are asked to bring waterproof and warm clothing along with hats scarves and gloves for these sessions. This year, sessions will take place on Thursday afternoon. We ask that children come in their PE clothes on Mondays and Fridays.  

Reception children wear our school uniform. More information about this can be obtained from our school office or website. We ask that all items of clothing are labelled with your child's full name and that children have spares with them in school if possible. Nursery children wear their own clothes. Again, it is important that these are labelled along with a bag of spares. We have fun and can get messy through the day, so we advise that children wear clothes that take this into account. Please remember to send your child with a named water bottle. We encourage children to drink water and at snacktime we offer fruit and milk delivered to school in glass bottles. 

We very much look forward to working with your children. If there is anything that we can do to support parents and carers, please don't hesitate to ask.


Mrs Watts

EYFS Teacher


Files to Download

Dormouse Class: News items

Sports Day, by Mr Watts

Mindfulness, by Mr Watts

Waking the garden up, by Mrs Watts

Dormouse Class: Blog items

Teddy Bear's Picnic, by Mrs Watts

Pentecost Day, by Mrs Watts

Dominoes, by Mrs Watts

Dormouse Class: Gallery items

FOCS Summer Fete, by Mrs Watts

Peter Rabbit Exhibition, by Mrs Watts

Chinese New Year, by Mrs Watts

Dormouse Class: Calendar items

FOCS meeting @ school, by Mr Watts

Leaver's Service, by Mrs Watts

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