‘Aim High’

Physical Education

At Clive CE Primary School, we aim to develop a love of sport and physical activity in all children and inspire them to become lifelong active people. We want all children to develop and improve the fundamental skills needed to access all aspects of physical activity. Therefore, adaptations are made where necessary for children with additional needs.  We aim to ensure our children will understand the importance of healthy competition against either themselves (personal best) or other children, the importance of an active and healthy lifestyle and the role that physical activity plays in achieving this. All children from Reception to Year 6 will learn how to swim, as well as basic water survival skills. Through lessons in PE, children will develop life skills such as team work, independence and resilience, building confidence and competence.

All children are part of a House Team - Wythen (Purple) , Sherwood (Red),  Blakemore (Blue) and Leesowe (Green). We encourage children to wear their House colours for PE along with shorts or jogging trousers, pumps or trainers. We offer spare kit if needed. 


Sports Club is available for children from Year 1 to Year 6. This term we will be focusing on Striking and Fielding

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