W/B 10.2.25
Date: 12th Feb 2025 @ 12:00pm
We have made it to half term and it was been a very busy 6 weeks!
This week in English we read a range of poems about dragons and discussed the alliteration, rhyming words and expanded noun phrases that we could see. We then created our own examples of these and wrote our very own dragon poems! Year 1's poem started with "Who am I?" and they had to use lots of descriptive words to describe the dragon without saying what it was! Year 2 wrote an acrostic poem.
Our Phonics sound this week has been the alternative graphemes for "oa." We looked at oe, ow, o-e split digraph, o and ough. We couldn't believe how many different ways there are to spell this phoneme!
In Maths, Year 1 began a new unit looking at additive structures. We have been introduced to the + and = symbols and talked about how when we add two addends together, we will make a whole or sum. We created our own number stories and then wrote addition number sentences to describe them.
Year 2 have been learning how to count in 5s and 10s. We have looked at the products in the 5 and 10x tables and talked about the number patterns that we spotted. After half term, we are going to start to discuss the relationship between factors in the 5 and 10x table. If we can be practicing counting in 2s, 5s and 10s at home that would be fab!
In Topic, we designed our own coat of arms! We talked all about the history behind the coat of arms that Knights would have on their armour or shields. The symbols, patterns and animals all had a specific meaning.
In Science, we carried out an investigation to help out Mrs Broadhurst and Mrs Hawkey. They wanted to find the most absorbent material to clean up lunchtime spills. We tested a variety of objects made from different materials. To make it a fair test, we had to keep the amount of water the same and dip the object in the water for the same amount of time. We used a stopwatch to do this!
In RE, we finished our unit of work looking at "Who is Jewish and how do they live?" We completed an end of unit actiivty to show off all of the wonderful things that we have learnt!
We completed our dance unit in PE. We created a final piece to the song "Boogie Wonderland" and they were incredible! We definitely have some future dancers in Red Squirrel class!! On Thursday, Year 5 and 6 led us in some fantastic games. We really enjoyed this.
All that is left to say now is have a fantastic and restful half term! The children have worked hard and been superstars so they definitely deserve a super break.
Miss Anderson x