W/B 18/11/24
Date: 20th Nov 2024 @ 1:30pm
We've had a super, snowy week in Red Squirrel class! It has been a cold one, but we have had lots of fun.
Hopefully all parents have now seen the costume list for the Christmas play. Please let me know if you have any queries.
In English this week, we wrote our own Tinga Tinga tales! I was so impressed by the children's wonderful ideas that they created. This piece of writing has gone into our special writing journals.
In Maths, Year 1 started a new unit of work looking at the composition of numbers from 0 - 5. We made our own "five museum" finding objects that total 5 from around the classroom. We also talked about ordinal language (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th etc) that describes the position of something. In Year 2, we also started a new unit looking at addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers. We explored what happens when we add and subtract 1 from a number where bridging 10 is required.
In Science, we created our very own top trumps for some African animals of our choice! We thought of our own criteria to compare the animals. Then, we formed groups and are working on information videos to create about a chosen animal. We are hoping to share these on the website!
In RE, we continued to look at our big question "Why is Christmas important to Christians?" Our focus this week was on the Shepherds and their important role in the Christmas story. We discussed why it was a shock for the Shepherds to see a new born baby king in a manger!
In DT, we have been tracing our African patterns onto tracing paper. This pattern is going to be transferred onto cloth so that we can make our own "Kente Cloth."
Due to the weather on Tuesday, our PE was inside. We did a cosmic kids "minions" yoga. It was fab!! On Thursday, we were down in the village hall for Gymnastics where we focused on different jumps; straight, tuck and star.
In PSHE, we continued to focus on our "Celebrating difference" topic. Our focus this week was on bullyin. We looked at different scenarios and talked about the characters feelings.
Last week in Computing we designed our own storyboard and this week we are going to bring it to life using different props. We will then use the ipads to take pictures of it as part of our "Digital Imagery" topic.
Have a lovely weekend everybody!