‘Aim High’

W/B 23/9/24

Date: 25th Sep 2024 @ 3:19pm

It's been another busy week in Red Squirrel class! We have had lots of sniffles and coughs in class this week, so we are reminding one another how important it is to wash our hands.

In English we read a new story called "We're going on a lion hunt." We recognised how similar this story is to "We're going on a bear hunt" by Michael Rosen. The children acted out the story by adding their own actions! We used lots of adjectives to then describe the different places that the girls go in the story such as long, wavy grass and a deep, dark cave. 

In Maths, Year 1 have been continuing to use their hundred square to idenitfy numbers to 100. We recapped on our teens numbers and then moved onto counting from any given number on our square. If we start at 30, what number will come next? We thought about the number that comes before a tens number (It always ends in a 9!) and the number that comes after a tens number (it always ends in a 1!)

In Year 2, we have been counting the tens and ones in a 2 digit number. We have become experts when counting in tens and we can count a set of objects efficiently by counting the groups of tens first and then the ones. The children have been matching numbers to the picture that is representing it and even drawing their own pictures to match a given 2-digit number.

Our sounds in Phonics this week have been dge, ve, and wh. We know that all of these sounds have an alternative grapheme (j, v and w.) 

Year 2 have been focusing on the alternative graphemes for the long vowel "i" sound. We made some words with these sounds in with our phonics cubes and played some different games where we had to click on the word that had been spelt correctly using the correct grapheme. 

In Science, we drew pictures of different animals from the various animal groups and then sorted them into a venn diagram to show whether they were a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore. We know that carnivores eat meat, herbivores eat plants and omnivores eat both!

We read another bible story in RE this week called "The Two Houses" that taught us all about forgiveness. We recognised that Jesus teaches us to forgive and we will be forgiven. We shared times when we have forgiven people and also when we have been forgiven.

We have learnt about the 7 world continents in Topic, which we found a little tricky as it's a lot to remember! We enjoyed going outside and drawing the continents with chalk and travelling from one to the other! This week we learnt about the oceans. We know that an ocean is a large volume of water that separates the continents from one another. 

The children absolutely loved printing their animal patterns in Art this week using the printing ink. The results are amazing!!

We are really enjoying our PE sessions with Mr Nagy. We have been down on the field playing various games involving travelling in different ways. On a Thursday we have been learning all about teamwork and how to work together well as a team. 

We are looking forward to our Woodland school session on Friday and a delicious cake at the Macmillan coffee morning!

Miss Anderson x

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