‘Aim High’

W/B 24/2/25

Date: 27th Feb 2025 @ 3:52pm

What a fantastic first week we have had back in Red Squirrel class! I hope that you all had a wonderful half term. 


This half term we will continue our topic of "castles and dragons". 


In English this week, we listened to the story of "George and the dragon." We learned all about Saint George and discussed what a legend is. It is a story that has been passed down over time. The children wrote some superb recounts of the story and Year 2 began to learn how to edit their writing in order to improve it. 

In Phonics, we have been learning all of the alternative graphemes for the "s" sound. We couldn't believe how many there are! We put these into words such as cycle, cylinder, listen, whistle, science, city. We also recapped on singular and plural nouns this week, remembering that if there is more than one, then we must add a s or an es to the end of the word.

In Maths, Year 2 have been exploring the relationship between the 5 and 10x tables. We recognised that all multiples of 10 are also multiples of 5! We explored even further, spotting that all of the even factors that multiple by 5, make a product in the 10x table too! Such as 6 x 5 = 30 and 8 x 5 = 40.

Year 1 have been familiarising themselves with the subtraction symbol and understanding that when we are taking something away, the answer will get smaller. We now have a superb knowledge of addition and subtraction and we have been creating our own "first, then, now" stories to show this.

In Science, we explored the changing seasons and weather. We looked at the changes that occur as we move from Autumn into Winter. We observed our class tree outside and also looked at the weather station. We used new vocabulary such as "mild".

In Topic we learned all about medieval banquets!! We were quite surprised to hear about the different things that people would eat. Peacock and swan was sometimes on the menu!!! But some foods that they ate then, are foods that we still eat now, hundreds of years later. We spent the rest of the lesson creating crowns ready to wear at our very own banquet next week!

We have started tennis on a Monday and the children very much enjoyed their first session!

In Computing, we completed our online safety session for this half term. We talked about things online sometimes being fake. We looked at examples of this and discussed how we could check if something is true or false on the internet.

We are starting a new topic in PSHE called "Healthy me." We began our learning by talking about the importance of exercise.

In RE, our new big question is "What do Christians believe God is like?" We learned that a parable is a story told by Jesus that tells us more about God. We listened to the parable of the lost son and discussed the ideas from this story.


I hope you all have a really lovely weekend!!


Miss Anderson x

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