‘Aim High’

W/B 30/9/24

Date: 2nd Oct 2024 @ 3:31pm

We have had another busy, yet fantastic week in Red Squirrel class!

We are having a real focus on our common exception words (those words that do not follow a spelling pattern and can be trickier to spell.) I have popped a CEW mat in all children's book bags, so that they can have a practice at home. We are doing lots of practicing in school too and the children have been super at remembering many of these words and spelling them correctly in their english books.

This week in English we have continued to focus on the story "We're going on a Lion hunt." In Year 1, we chose from the following African settings: Rainforest, Desert, Savannah and Mountains. We used some superb adjectives to describe one of these and then turned them into simple sentences, following the theme from the story. In Year 2, we chose several of the settings and wrote our own versions, changing the Lion to a different African animal. 

In Maths this week, Year 1 have been working hard to recognise the numbers that come before and after a multiple of 10. We have played games, used our whiteboard and hundred squares to support us. We also looked at recognising which number is bigger or smaller, depending on its position on the hundred square! Year 2 are coming to the end of their unit of work, looking at numbers from 10 - 100. This week, we have been looking at partitioning numbers into tens and ones. We then moved onto using our knowledge of tens and ones to compare 2 digit numbers. "How do you know that 57 is bigger than 23?" We discussed then tens in the number ans how this can help us to compare them. When both numbers have the same tens, we thought about how we must look at the ones to help us decide which one is bigger.

We carried out an investigation this week in Science. Our investigation question was "Which colour of bird seed do children prefer?" We thought about what we know birds alreayd eat such as nuts and berries and used this to make a prediction. Our test had to be FAIR, so we made sure that each pot had the same amount of bird seed in it. Then we added our food colouring in so that we had blue, green, red and a plain pot. We have put our pots out on the playground and we are going to monitor them to see which one the birds like the most!

In RE, we continued to think about our big question "What is the good news that Christians believe God brings them?" We focused on the word "peace." The children thought about when we have peace in our own lives, with other people, in the world and with God. We then drew a picture to represent our lovely ideas.

Our PE sessions have been fantastic. On Tuesday, we developed our ball skills, keeping control when dribbling them ball and shooting into a goal. On Thursday, we focused on our throwing skills, playing a variety of games to develop this.

Our Topic session involved us thinking about the climate in Africa compared to the UK. We used our atlases and class globe again to locate Kenya and talked about it being very close to the equator. We drew our own large globe together and then added in our equator, Africa, Kenya and the UK.

We were busily preparing for the Harvest Festival in Church on Thursday in Art! We painted lots of fruits and vegetables to create a large class picture! The children discussed their favourite vegetables and whether they grow underground or overground. 

Our Computing topic for the next few weeks is identifying what a computer is and its various parts.

We had a special visitor in our class on Thursday! A little frog decided to take a sneak peak in Red Squirrel class. We released him back onto the hill where he'd be more comfortable! Take a look at the pictures to see!

Phewww, we have all earned a well deserved break!

Have a fantastic weekend,


Miss Anderson x


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