‘Aim High’

W/B 7/10/24

Date: 9th Oct 2024 @ 1:22pm

We have reached the end of another great week and only 2 more to go until half term!

This week in English we have completed some non-fiction writing about African animals. We began the week by reading facts about various animals that we would find on this continent and then Year 1 wrote some factual sentences. Year 2 wrote questions using a question mark accurately and then had to find the answer to them. We turned all of this information into our own fact files!

In Maths, Year 1 are coming to the end of our unit looking at numbers to 100. We practiced counting on a number line this week, placing our tens numbers on. Once we had done this, we then discussed the numbers that come 1 before and 1 after a tens number. We noticed a pattern! We then had a go at filling in our own number line.

Year 2 started a new unit looking at "calculation to 20." We began by looking at calculations involving 3 addends, such as 2 + 4 + 5. We created first, then, now stories to describe 3 addends and put these into part whole models.

In Science, we carried out another investigation! This week we wanted to find out which snacks snails prefer to eat. We set up a shoebox with four tasty snacks inside; pear, lettuce, carrot and cucumber. We then went snail hunting on the playground and found 9! They were placed very carefully in the shoebox and we have been observing all week to see which they like the most. It looks like lettuce could be the winner!

In RE, we looked more into our big question "What is the good news that Christians believe Jesus brings?" We focused this week on the good news that we as a school could bring to those that need it. We talked about how our donations at the Harvest festival were "good news" to those who cannot afford their own food. We talked about charity and what a food bank is. 

This week in Topic, we started to learn more about the country Kenya. We recapped on the world continents and oceans to begin with and then located Kenya again on the map. We talked about its landscape and its capital city Nairobi. Then, we made our own 3D class model, including all of the different landscapes that we might find in Kenya, such as the mountains, savannah and lakes. Take a look at the pictures!

In PE, we have continued to develop our movement. This week we looked at hopping, jumping and stepping. Then, we used the skipping ropes! On Thursday, we practiced our dribbling skills.

In Computing, we went on a technology safari! We had to find all of the different technology around the school and discuss their "input" and "output." For example, the buttons on a printer are the input and the output is what comes out on paper!

Our Phonics sounds this week have been ai, ee and igh. Year 1 have made lots of words with these sounds in using their phonics cubes! Year 2 have been recapping on these sounds and then thinking of the alternative graphemes for them. We are working hard to remember how to spell words with split digraphs in!

We are all really looking forward to our trip to Chester Zoo next week and hoping for a nice, sunny day.

Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Anderson


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