‘Aim High’

Week Beginning 16/9/24

Date: 19th Sep 2024 @ 10:36am

We have had another fantastic week in Red Squirrel class! All the children have really settled into their routine and I'm very proud of them!


In English we have been reading Handa's Hen. We compared this story to Handa's Surprise because they are written by the same author. The children thought of some adjetives to describe the different animals in the story. We came up with ideas such as fluffy and feathery for the chicks and scaly and colourful for the lizards! We used these adjectives toc reate some amazing descriptive sentences!! I was wowed by the variety of ideas.

Our phonics sounds this week have been sh, th and ng. We used our floppy's phonics books to segment and blend different words with these sounds in, played games on phonics play and created our own words with these sounds in using the phonics cubes.

In maths Year 1 have continued building their knowledge of numbers to 100, with a focus this week on teens numbers. When we say these numbers, we make sure that the TEEN part is said clearly. We sometimes say "1 teen" and "2 teen" to help us remember 11 and 12 because they don't follow the same pattern.

Year 2 have focused on adding and subtracting multiples of 10. We had calculations such as 3 tens + 2 tens. The children used known facts such as 3 + 2 to help them solve this. We found some of the missing number problems a little tricky, like 5 tens = __ tens + 2 tens but we persevered! 

We sorted pictures of animals into their correct groups in science this week. We then had a go at drawing our own animals to fit in a particular group. The children were very knowledgable! Next week we are moving onto looking at carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.

In Topic, we are learning what a continent is. We used google earth and our atlases to identify and name the continents and used the mneumonic Eat An Apple As One Nighttime Snack (Europe, Africa, Asia, Antartica, Oceania, North America, South America.) We went outside and drew the continents in chalk on the playground and imagined we were flying from one to another!

Mrs Ralphs has been busy in art, as the children are creating an animal pattern to print onto card!

We are off to the woods on Friday where we are going to explore what is happening as the seasons change and collect leaves, organising them into different sizes. 


Miss Anderson x

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