Week beginning 27th January
Date: 24th Jan 2025 @ 4:34pm
Hello everyone. We have certainly had a busy week this week, with our visit to Shrewsbury Museum and a special visit from one of our children's dad to talk about Australia. Many thanks.
Next week, we are off to Asia. We will be learning to name countries within this continent, explore the animals found there and taste some Chinese food on Wednesday for Chinese New Year. Details will be emailed to check for any concerns regarding allergies. Our text for next week is The Tiptoeing Tiger.
In phonics, Nursery are exploring the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and learning about rhythm and rhyme. Reception are learning new sounds - sh ng th. We also continue to learn our new tricky words. we she me be he was they all.
Watching alphablocks gives a fun way to learn our sounds. Alphablocks - Series 3: 11. Champ - BBC iPlayer
Alphablocks - Series 3: 13. Thing - BBC iPlayer
In maths, Nursery are using the story of Jack and the Beanstalk to count by tagging objects to numbers. We will be pointing to the object whilst saying the number. Reception are moving on from 5 to 5 and a bit. What happens when we add one more to 5, what happens when we add two more.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Watts