‘Aim High’

Week Beginning 3rd March

Date: 28th Feb 2025 @ 5:20pm

Next week, we are learning about a desert habitat and the plants and animals that live there. 

On Tuesday, we will be celebrating Shrove Tuesday with a pancake race in the playground and tasting pancakes. On Thursday, we will be celebrating World Book Day by dressing up as a person from a non fiction book. We will still be outdoors on Thursday but won't be going to Woodland School as some of us might find it difficult dressed as a character. 

In maths, Nursery are rehearsing subitising through story characters and reception will be learning about the composition of numbers up to 8, finding ways to make these numbers by joining to groups together.

In phonics, Nursery are continuing work on alliteration and reception will be learning new sounds - ar or and ur and using them to read and write new words.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Watts


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