‘Aim High’

Peter Rabbit Exhibition

Lesson: EYFS

Class: Dormouse Class Year: 2023 - 2024

What an amazing day we have had in Shrewsbury. We started the day with a trip on the coach. We saw so much from the high up windows like the river, trees, sheep and cars. The coach dropped us off by the quarry and St Chad's church. We walked down to the Dingle and began to look at the flowers, water, trees and bug hotel. Not even the pouring rain could dampen our enjoyment. We watched two gardeners in the Dingle planting new flowers and remembered the names of the tools from Jasper's Beanstalk. We made our way to the bandstand to shelter from the rain and to listen to our Peter Rabbit story. We acted out the actions, made the sounds and sang songs for the story. Then we got out the parachute and toys and played games. We hid under the parachute and pretended that we were lost in Mr MacGregor's garden and had to find our way out. 

We walked so sensibly through the quarry and to the museum. When we got to the museum, we had our lunch. We were all hungry and ready for something to eat. Then it was time to go to the Peter Rabbit exhibition. What a fantastic time we had in Mr MacGregor's shed, looking under flowerpots, dressing up as the characters in the story, counting bees, making bunny ears and colouring in. 

It was time to get back on the coach and so we walked across the square and climbed aboard. Well done Dormouse class. You were all super. I hope that you all enjoy looking at the photographs of our fantastic day out. 

Mrs Watts

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