Our News items
Bikeability, by Mrs Watts
Empathy Day, by Mrs Hyland
Bug Hotels, by Mrs Hyland
Easter party for After School Club, by Mrs Watts
Counting in Tens, by Mrs Hyland
Absorbency, by Mrs Hyland
Materials and their Properties, by Mrs Hyland
Building London!, by Mrs Hyland
Number Day, by Mrs Hyland
Journey Day in Badger Class, by Mrs Barnes
Journey day in Dormouse class, by Mrs Watts
Pantomime, by Mr Watts
Badger Class Christmas Wreaths, by Mrs Barnes
Covid Study, by Mr Watts
NSPCC Speak Out Stay Safe, by Mrs Watts
Children in Need Day, by Mrs Hyland
Remembrance Day, by Mrs Hyland
Cosford Air Museum Trip, by Mrs Hyland
COP26, by Mr Watts
Food Banks, by Mrs Hyland
Rekenreks, by Mrs Hyland
Dormouse class learn about our defibrillator., by Mrs Watts
Special visitors to school!, by Mr Watts
Planting trees in our Woodland School, by Mrs Hyland
Safety Week, by Mrs Watts