Our Gallery
A few pictures from this terms art topic on William Morris, by Mrs Clarke
A visit from Severn Trent, by Mrs Clarke
Music-Rhythm beats, composition and performing, by Mrs Clarke
No Pens Day!, by Mrs Clarke
Advent Journey Day, by Mrs Clarke
Enterprise Training morning at Thomas Adams, by Mrs Clarke
Worship Training, by Mrs Clarke
DT Lesson 2, by Mrs Clarke
Our first DT lesson researching electrical games, by Mrs Clarke
Broad Beans, by Mrs Watts
Lent Journey Day, by Miss Cordey
Viking Day, by Miss Cordey
Out and about with Clive Bear, by Mrs Watts
Fun in the snow, by Mrs Watts
Scavenger Hunt in the Woods, by Mrs Watts
Visit to church, by Mrs Watts
Folk Music Concert, by Miss Cordey
Blue Planet Aquarium Trip, by Miss Cordey
Our Trip to Rhyl, by Mrs Hyland
Jubilee, by Mrs Watts
Empathy Day in Hedgehog Class., by Miss Anderson
Easter Gardens, by Miss Cordey
Caring for bees, by Mrs Watts
Doubles, by Mrs Watts
Pancake Day, by Mrs Watts