Our Gallery
Junk Modelling, by Mrs Watts
Christmas Nativity, by Mrs Watts
Christmas Journey Day, by Mrs Hyland
Our new shelter in the woods!, by Mrs Hyland
A day in the woods, by Mrs Watts
Junk model rockets, by Mrs Watts
Floating and sinking, by Mrs Watts
Arches, by Mrs Hyland
Life cycle of a tadpole, by Mrs Watts
Painting Flowers, by Mrs Hyland
NSPCC Number Day!, by Miss Anderson
test, by Mr Watts
Our Seeds Investigation, by Mrs Hyland
Chinese New Year!, by Mrs Hyland
Christmas Lunch Day, by Mrs Hyland
Safety Week, by Mrs Hyland
Lights and festivals, by Mrs Watts
Learning about the world around us, by Mrs Watts
Bonfire pictures, by Mrs Watts
Outside learning, by Mrs Watts
Fine motor skills, by Mrs Watts
Number work, by Mrs Watts
Another fabulous morning in the woods, by Mrs Watts
A Harbour Scene in the style of Paul Bursnall by Class One, by Mrs Hyland