‘Aim High’

Dormouse Class: Gallery

One Snowy Day, by Mrs Watts

Woodland walk, by Mrs Watts

Walking in Clive, by Mrs Watts

FOCS Summer Fete, by Mrs Watts

Peter Rabbit Exhibition, by Mrs Watts

Chinese New Year, by Mrs Watts

Broad Beans, by Mrs Watts

Fun in the snow, by Mrs Watts

Visit to church, by Mrs Watts

Our Trip to Rhyl, by Mrs Hyland

Jubilee, by Mrs Watts

Easter Gardens, by Miss Cordey

Caring for bees, by Mrs Watts

Doubles, by Mrs Watts

Pancake Day, by Mrs Watts

Physical Development, by Mrs Watts

Junk Modelling, by Mrs Watts

Christmas Nativity, by Mrs Watts

A day in the woods, by Mrs Watts

Junk model rockets, by Mrs Watts

Floating and sinking, by Mrs Watts

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