‘Aim High’

Red Squirrel Class: Blog items

Gymnastics at Thomas Adams!, by Miss Anderson

Advent journey day!, by Miss Anderson

Trip to RAF Cosford!, by Miss Anderson

After school club, by Mrs Watts

Using our senses!, by Miss Anderson

Blists Hill visit, by Mrs Watts

Bee visit!, by Miss Anderson

Fencing and Archery!, by Miss Anderson

Hula hooping was a blast!, by Miss Anderson

Wellbeing day!, by Miss Anderson

Caterpillars to Butterflies!, by Miss Anderson

30 Days Wild, by Mrs Watts

Show and tell, by Miss Anderson

The sunflowers are growing!, by Miss Anderson

Our Sunflowers!, by Miss Anderson

Old Macdonald's Easter farm!, by Miss Anderson

Bees, by Mrs Watts

A Medieval Banquet!, by Miss Anderson

Community garden, by Mrs Watts

Trip to Chirk Castle!, by Miss Anderson

Winter Wonderland!, by Miss Anderson

150th Anniversary!, by Miss Anderson

Remembrance Wreath, by Miss Anderson

Woodland School!, by Miss Anderson

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