Dormouse Class: Blog items
Our visit to Sun and Fire Storytelling workshop, by Mrs Watts
Week Beginning 20th January, by Mrs Watts
Week Beginning 13th January, by Mrs Watts
Week beginning 16th December, by Mrs Watts
Week Beginning 9th December, by Mrs Watts
Week beginning 2nd December, by Mrs Watts
Week beginning 25th November, by Mrs Watts
Dormouse class Week beginning 18th November, by Mrs Watts
Week beginning 11th November, by Mrs Watts
Dormouse class Week beginning 4th November, by Mrs Watts
Dormouse class week beginning 21st October, by Mrs Watts
Dormouse class week beginning 14th October, by Mrs Watts
Dormouse class week beginning 7th October, by Mrs Watts
Dormouse class - week beginning 30.9.24, by Mrs Watts
Dormouse class Week beginning 23rd September, by Mrs Watts
Our first week in Dormouse class, by Mrs Watts
Olympic Day at Whixall, by Mrs Watts
Teddy Bear's Picnic, by Mrs Watts
Dominoes, by Mrs Watts
Baking, by Mrs Watts
Keeping teeth clean, by Mrs Watts
Gardening, by Mrs Watts
Fun in the woods, by Mrs Watts
Incy Wincy spider, by Mrs Watts
Hyacinth bulbs, by Mrs Watts